viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

A CALL TO ACTION - Practice Peace video

Prem Rawat recently recorded a 14-minute message for a student-organized peace conference in Olso, Norway, viewed by many as a highlight of the event. (See TPRF article and watch the video.)
This is such a remarkably concise and impactful delivery of Prem Rawat’s message of peace for everyone that TPRF has embarked on an effort to share it with as many people as possible.
If you find it inspiring, please share it using the simple link Practicing peace is one of the main themes of the message.
The YouTube view count will help track our progress, so we will all be able to witness the multiplying effect as this timely message circles the world.
Thank you for your continued support and effort to help TPRF address this most fundamental human need of peace for each person.

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